Meeting Learners Needs
There are really no limits to the way technology can be used to help support the development of equitable, inclusive learning environments where the needs of all learners are met. Everyday it seems like new applications, tools and extensions are created to support presentation creations, reading, writing and numeracy skills. As the video on Universal Design Leaning (UDL) stated - learning needs are much like finger prints- each person learns in an individualized manner. It's "not a one size fits all" or "sink or swim" mentality in the classroom anymore and technology plays a massive role in the shift to meet all learners needs. It is like the life preserver allowing people to float above the water, making learning easier as they (learners) navigate through choppy water.
One way it can be used for inclusive and equitable learning is simple by making materials available. When teachers use things like Google Classroom students can access materials when they were away. Refer back to the learning goals, videos, power points and other lesson materials if they missed something in a note. The student who needs concepts repeated, can now go back and re-read them when they need to. This online environment of blended learning helps teachers reach more students in an equitable way.
Furthermore, much like not every student learns in the same way, they don't demonstrate their knowledge in the same way either. By providing students with choice in presentation formats students can demonstrate their learning in more inclusive and equitable ways. Technology enables students to create videos instead of presenting live (students with anxiety or who are ELL), it allows them to digitally create informative posters instead of pen and paper tasks (helps students with fine-motor-skills), allows them reinforce learning opportunities through videos found on YouTube as well as teacher created videos using extensions like screencastify. Additionally, technology allows teachers to assess student learning using things like EdPuzzle and Turnitin. These sites help teachers assess student learning and students can see their results in a timely manner.
Assisstive technology has come very far in assisting students for language based learning, there are tools like Google Read and Write that assist student learning in many ways. The bar below is a demonstration of all the tools it has to offer. It will read websites to student, allow them to use text-to-speech to say what they are thinking. It has a definition and vocabulary tool, and even a highlighting tool to assist with note taking.
Tools like Google Translate help ELL students to understand assignment instructions. They can communicate with the teacher using a piece of technology to help facilitate conversations and asks questions. If this isn't an inclusive and equitable tool, I don't know what is! Additionally, websites like Read, Write ad Think assist teachers in developing plan and lessons using technology to support note taking, brainstorming and thinking. As the title suggests, there are resources to help students read, write and think! Again, increasing student engagement and inquiry using technology as a means to do so.
Technology has made leaps and bounds when it comes to presentation software that demonstrate student learning. For example in mathematics applications like Explain Everything have been very successful in helping students showcase their thinking as they work through problems. Video software like powtoon and wevideo allow students to create presentations in video format, rather than presenting live. Additionally, there are so many opportunities to help assist students with storytelling and writing skills please see this link for a blog post detailing a bunch of storytelling tools.
Finally collaboration tools like padlet, survey monkey, kahoot, skype and google tools (docs and slides) have given students the opportunity to work together in inclusive and equitable learning environments. I'm pretty sure I could go on and on and on and on about all the tools and tech pieces that are out there....if you want to discuss anymore feel free to leave a comment and we can explore them together!
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