E-Learning Resources

As we engage in this new method of learning, many teachers who are new to using digital classrooms might be wondering what the best ways to engage their students are while remaining equitable and protecting the privacy of ourselves and our students. Having the privilege to have taught e-learning before and having obtained my specialist in Integrated Communication and Computer Technology, I found myself welcoming the challenge and trying to help my colleagues transition online. Here are a few resources I would like to guide you to.

1) The Facebook group "Ed Tech Hacks"  has been a life saviour for many. If features videos on how to use Classroom, embed audio and is a forum where teachers can ask questions. If you are not a part of the Facebook community but still want to access the amazing videos Vera creates, you can check out her YouTube page here  The bulk of her videos relate to G-Suite and ways you can utilize the tools offered.

2) EdPuzzle is a wonderfully interactive way to share video content and see your students' understanding. It can be linked up with your Google Classroom, however, some boards do not consider it a "green tool". My board is one of those boards, so I've created a video to show you how to work around collective sensitive information.  To be able to use to the tool and see your students' progress, you just need to create an "open classroom" where all they need is a link to see the content and answer the questions. Here is a video I made for my colleagues on using EdPuzzle without asking for students to sign up or give away too much personal information.

3) Google Meet. It is a fantastic resource for synchronous learning. They've made some great changes in order to protect teachers and students, including disabling the meet once the teacher leaves. I've created a short video about using Google Meet as an engagement tool for synchronous learning.


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