
Showing posts from June, 2018

Consolidation Blog

After taking 3 AQ courses related to ICT, I can confidently say that I know a lot!  That being said.... here's some things that I took note of:  My school needs a technology committee- Enter Kristen  (stage right). I'm ready for the challenge and have already reached out to some members I think might be interested  Side note- I will need to find students to create a Student Tech Club. Thank you Emily (a fellow teacher/learner in Tech Part 3, whom is definitely a technology wizard with a wealth of information) for your idea in your Staff Development Plan!  The tools and applications that can be used in the classroom are constantly evolving. Which means, I need to be constantly adapting, growing and learning. (Hence the need for the technology committee) Behind the scenes- I feel like in this AQ I really got a good look at the "behind the scenes" concepts related to ICT. The considerations that need to be thought about when introducing new technolog...

School Perspectives on ICT

I recently created a staff development plan for the integration of computer technology at a school level. To view the plan please click here . Through each level I noticed some reoccurring themes/considerations . 1)    Education and Practice - after a piece of technology is introduced, staff members need time to practice. They should be first given education on what the tool can do, then some time to play around with it themselves. The staff members should set some goals for using the technology. They should be given some time to use the new piece of technology in their classrooms and then reflect on their goals and experience with the tech.  2)  Developing goals:  at each stage, it's important to set goals for what you are trying to achieve- group, school or individual goals, it doesn't matter they need to be set so that as you work through the stages you can see what changes need to be made, which leads me to the next consideration- reflection. 3)   ...

Assessment and Evaluation Practices

Computer technology and it's integration in schools have provided a lot of opportunities to increase student engagement, meet learning needs by providing differentiated instruction and assessment opportunities. In regards to assessment practices, it can be useful in cultivating a culture of more fair and equitable practices. How you might ask? Well, as the effective assessment and design article so eloquently put it,  "technology extends the options available to designers of assessment and feedback, making it possible to vary the approach taken within a module or programme of learning. The use of different formats and media, combined with elements of peer and self-assessment, can both encourage learners to spend time on tasks and prompt original thought" below is a recap of the points the article mentions- what we should be doing to support our learners! There are many tools we can use to utilize and increase formative assessment opportunities. If teachers use tools...

Meeting Learners Needs

There are really no limits to the way technology can be used to help support the development of equitable, inclusive learning environments where the needs of all learners are met. Everyday it seems like new applications, tools and extensions are created to support presentation creations, reading, writing and numeracy skills. As the video on Universal Design Leaning (UDL) stated - learning needs are much like finger prints- each person learns in an individualized manner. It's "not a one size fits all" or "sink or swim" mentality in the classroom anymore and technology plays a massive role in the shift to meet all learners needs. It is like the life preserver allowing people to float above the water, making learning easier as they (learners)  navigate through choppy water. One way it can be used for inclusive and equitable learning is simple by making materials available. When teachers use things like Google Classroom  students can access materials when th...

Paving the way..Leaders in ICT

LEADER:  the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country ( For Integration of Information and Computer Technology, being a leader means paving the way for fellow colleagues , students and parents . Leader and Leadership will, for the remainder of this post be referred to as "IT" It  means helping colleagues discover ways to revamp old assignments, by introducing them to things like SAMR.  It  means helping them access new resources and apps by showing, sharing and teaching them how to use them. It means embracing new technology but not hoarding it for yourself but sharing it within your department, school and board. It means being available and wanting to communicate  how to use and integrate new technology into different classes. To be a leader who can lead their colleagues you need to be organized and prepared . Have websites, resources and practical plans that can help your colleagues learn how valuable technology...

Parent-Teacher-Community Communication

Parent-teacher, parent-child, teacher-community, teacher-student...we are all working to mold youth into active and responsible citizens but sometimes we don't work together. I know in high schools it's pretty uncommon for a regular classroom teacher to have an open dialogue with parents about a students behavior socializing online. We might discuss distractions (video games, videos) and overuse of technology during work periods or class instructions, but I'd say that is the extent of the conversation for the most part. That being said, with new technologies, it's important that all of us work together to guide students towards safe practices. I think at a high school level, the best way to do this is through guidance, community initiatives and administration. For example, we have community members like York Services host parent information nights on things like: Being Digital Citizens, Bullying Prevention, Drugs and Alcohol  and I have seen information posters up thr...

Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat- Implications for the Classroom

Do you remember when the Internet was first launched? Do yo u remember the educational benefits that the Internet  brought with it? I was a student and for me, my first memory for effective use in school was in Grade 8, when 9/11 happened. I lived over seas, in Saudi Arabia, I remember our history teacher referencing  this moment as a historical one that would change the world. We kept up with local news and world news through current events, comparing bias, which sources were saying what, who to believe etc. It wouldn't have been possible to keep up to date with real time minutes without the Internet. Now, when the schools networks are down, its a challenge and we struggle because we rely on the Internet for a lot of our lesson materials. Technology and communication has shifted again . Today communication happens beyond face-to-face interactions. According to Media Smarts, in Grade 4, 24% of students have cell phones by Grade 11 its 85%. Clearly learning and networking go...