Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat- Implications for the Classroom

Do you remember when the Internet was first launched? Do you remember the educational benefits that the Internet  brought with it? I was a student and for me, my first memory for effective use in school was in Grade 8, when 9/11 happened. I lived over seas, in Saudi Arabia, I remember our history teacher referencing  this moment as a historical one that would change the world. We kept up with local news and world news through current events, comparing bias, which sources were saying what, who to believe etc. It wouldn't have been possible to keep up to date with real time minutes without the Internet. Now, when the schools networks are down, its a challenge and we struggle because we rely on the Internet for a lot of our lesson materials.

Technology and communication has shifted again. Today communication happens beyond face-to-face interactions. According to Media Smarts, in Grade 4, 24% of students have cell phones by Grade 11 its 85%. Clearly learning and networking goes beyond the 4 walls of classrooms or offices. Today, our students communicate more often then not through technology and social media forums. Our students need to be guided in the digital age that is coming to prepare them for the digital world that they will be working in. "If work is now about networking, question-posing, critical assessment of information and media, collaborative team work, and creating new knowledge and ideas, then today’s students require opportunities to develop the competencies they need for expert adult performance in digitally rich and net-connected school spaces" (Jacobson). It's our responsibility as teachers to provide them with these opportunities to be responsible citizens. Our goal has teachers has always been to prepare them for their world outside  of school and teach them how to be active valuable citizens. "Schools have always taught kids how to present themselves-- that's why we did oral presentations in the classroom. Now we need to teach them to present themselves electronically" (Smith).  So let's make the shift and as we do we need to continue to ask ourselves: What are the benefits of using social media in the classroom?  What are the risks and challenges? How do we foster safe learning environments?

Benefits of using social media in classrooms:
Opportunity to teach students the skills they need in the 21st century, a short list of benefits

  • Socialization
  • Creative participation 
  • Focused conversations 
  • Collaboration & Problem Solving 
  • Investigative learning 
  • Informal learning 
  • Student engagement 
  • Blended learning 
  • Access to teachers

What are the risks and challenges?
For students:

  • Overexposure to technology
  • Inappropriate use of social media 
  • Addiction
  • Cyber-bullying
  • Distractions
For teachers:
  • Blurred lines and expectations
  • Privacy 
  • Misunderstandings  
  • Over access (bringing more work home)!
Fostering safe learning environments 

1) Teachers need to set virtual classroom expectations: have students sign and uphold a digital contract
2) Enforce consequences for inappropriate or misused networks
3) Educate students
Other things to consider
  • Educating both teachers and parents. Teachers need education and resources on how to support use of social media within their classrooms but so do parents. At home, parents need to protect their children as well. It's unlikely that a child is going to send a nude in class, at home- different story. Parents need to have conversations with their children about the websites they are using.
  • There are some really great action-based, inquiry based, evidence based learning opportunities with using social media within the classroom. The use of snap-chat to tell a story. What a great assignment this could be. The use of social media inquiry studies having students research and present topics of interests. Having students create their own learning groups and environments to teach and educate others who are struggling. Case studies! Learn from others! Blogging- become an expert and share your knowledge and experiences. 
  • Key highlight: we need to prepare our students for the world they live in. Their "thinking brain" has just not been developed enough to always make responsible, safe choices. We need to educate them on the consequences of their choices. 

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